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Introduction to QGIS: Spatial Data and Spatial Analysis - Online
Dr Nick Bearman
Run online by University of Southampton
The 3 Stages of Weighting Probability Surveys
Dr Pamela Campanelli
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
The 3 Stages of Weighting Probability Surveys
Dr Pamela Campanelli
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Conducting Online Focus Groups
Dr Karen Lumsden
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Applied Bayesian Data Analysis for Social Science
Dr Patrick English
CON 1.01, Connaught House, LSE, 65 Aldwych London
Digital Qualitative Interviews
Dr Karen Lumsden
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Digital Qualitative Interviews
Dr Karen Lumsden
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Research and Evaluation Project Management
Sally Cupitt
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Building & Using a Theory of ChangeEdit
Professor David Parsons
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Analysing Interview and Focus-Group data using NVivo (join a waiting list)
Dr Christina Silver and Dr Sarah L Bulloch
Introduction to Generalised Linear Mixed Models using Stata (online)
James Gallagher & Sandro Leidi
Run online by Statistical Services Centre Ltd
Online course leading to the BPS and EFPA Register of Qualifications in Test Use
Professor John Rust and Dr Luning Sun
The Psychometrics Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
Introduction to effective and practical research data management
Cristina Magder, UK Data Service
University of Manchester
Introduction to Focus Groups
Dr Karen Lumsden
SRA, PO BOX 1249, Canterbury, CT1 9UW
Introducing Institutional Ethnography - Online
Dr Orla Murray, Dr Liz Ablett and Dr Adriana Suarez Delucchi
Run online by University of Southampton
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Dr Karen Lumsden
Online via Zoom
Getting to Know R (In-person course)
Prof Neil H. Spencer
University of Hertfordshire
How to Conduct Thematic Analysis
Dr Karen Lumsden
Online via Zoom
How to become a computational social scientist
Louise Capener, UK Data Service
University of Manchester
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
Dr Lewys Brace
Clayden Computer Lab, Clayden Building, University of Exeter (Streatham Campus), Streatham Rise, Exeter