Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

Changing Research Practices II: Continuing Methods Responses and Research Strategy in Covid-19 Times

With further funding from ESRC, the project on how social research practices are changing in light of Covid-19 is continuing into a new phase March-September …

The NCRM wayfinder guide to adapting participatory methods for Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes to social research practices. The need for social distancing and restrictions to travel have particularly affected research that …

The NCRM wayfinder guide to adapting interview practices for Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated considerable changes to research practices. This includes a dominant method for the social researcher – the in person interview – made …

Analysing data from longitudinal studies animations launched on the CLOSER Learning Hub

Four new animations introducing methods for the analysis of data from longitudinal studies have been added to the CLOSER Learning Hub. The animation series covers …

Register for the Measuring prices and welfare conference, Cemmap

Registration is open for the free, online conference on Measuring prices and welfare (28-29 April) organised by the Centre for microdata methods and practices (cemmap).  This …

NHS administrative data now linked to 1958 and 1970 birth cohort studies

Information from the NHS about cohort members’ health care and treatment in hospitals has now been linked to two longitudinal cohort studies, which have collected survey …

Understanding Society Changing Families mini-conference

Understanding Society are hosting a week-long online conference exploring families in the UK.   The week will focus on research on families and partnerships, using longitudinal or …

Three GenPopWeb2 events: Measuring cognition in online surveys, Collecting data linkage consents in online surveys and Occupational coding in online surveys

GenPopWeb2 network is very excited to announce our next event: Complex measures in online surveys: Challenges and opportunities. The event will consist of three online …