Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

NHS administrative data now linked to 1958 and 1970 birth cohort studies

Information from the NHS about cohort members’ health care and treatment in hospitals has now been linked to two longitudinal cohort studies, which have collected survey …

Understanding Society Changing Families mini-conference

Understanding Society are hosting a week-long online conference exploring families in the UK.   The week will focus on research on families and partnerships, using longitudinal or …

Are web survey answers similar to face to face ones?

In a recent peer-reviewed article Alexandru Cernat and Melanie Revilla explored the effects of switching from face to face surveys to web data …

Three GenPopWeb2 events: Measuring cognition in online surveys, Collecting data linkage consents in online surveys and Occupational coding in online surveys

GenPopWeb2 network is very excited to announce our next event: Complex measures in online surveys: Challenges and opportunities. The event will consist of three online …

Vacancy: Professor in Social Statistics/Quantitative Social Science, The University of Manchester

Location: Oxford Road, Manchester Closing date: 09/03/2021 Salary: Professorial Scale Employment type: Permanent Faculty/Organisation: Humanities School/ Directorate: Social Statistics Hours per week: full time Contract Duration: …

How many research methods are enough?

For researchers who decide to use more than one method in a project, the question immediately arises of whether to treat two as sufficient or whether …

Methodological reflections on the 2021 Census

21 March 2021 is census day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.   There are at least two remarkable aspects to this simple observation – firstly, that …

Teaching research methods in the era of Covid-19: NCRM event series

If you are teaching social research methods, then you may be interested in our new Train the Trainer events. These online ‘courses’ (shared learning/knowledge exchange forums) …